
Writer’s Block Sucks But This Is Worse

Writer’s block is one of the unfortunate experiences in the writing process for new and established authors. But, writer’s block is only one of many possibilities that will halt you in your tracks from getting your book done, if you let it.

In fact, there is one underlying writing challenge all authors must overcome that is even more powerful of an inhibitor than writer’s block. That hurdle is the monumental task of writing an entire book worth of valuable content.

For example, you know your leads and sales would improve for your business if you could only get that non-fiction book done. But, the idea of writing every day for the next six months (and having a life too!) is just too much to expect of yourself. There just simply is not enough time in the day.

What’s the result? Another year goes by and your book is still not done.

Summer Won’t Help Your Writer’s Block

Many people think about writing or finishing their life’s work (that first book) at the beginning of summer. Visions of sitting on a sandy beach with the sound of gentle waves in the background give you the prolonged delusion that you might actually put in the time it takes to get past your writer’s block and actually “write” the book.

Well, I’m here to tell you that if you didn’t write your book last summer, you’re probably not going to get it done this summer either, whether you’re experiencing writer’s block or not.

In fact, if you haven’t even started writing, there is little to no chance you will have your book on Amazon and selling by even September.

Triple that if you plan to use a traditional publisher.

This realization paralyzes would-be authors from ever completing a book within their lifetime. So, you are not alone. The sheer length of time it takes for books to be written, completed, edited, produced, launched and promoted is such an intimidating time suck to most people, that the desire fades before the writer’s block is relieved.

A New Way of Writing Makes Writer’s Block Impossible

If you hate writing or just cannot imagine getting up another hour earlier to write 500 words a day like all the writing coaches tell you to do, then I’d like to introduce you to the next evolution of producing a book. I call it collaborative writing.

Don’t let another summer go by without your non-fiction book on Amazon because you have given in to constant bouts of writer’s block. You do not have to be a slave to the dreaded white screen any longer. You do not need to relinquish control of your content to a high priced ghost writer either.

In fact, with talk writing, you can get all of your content produced within just 3 or 4 days, in only two or three hour increments!

This is a completely new way to produce books that will change the way books are created forever.

Never Experience Writer’s Block Again

We have developed a method of writing a non-fiction book without typing that is so easy, you may never experience writer’s block again. Take the first step by reading our done for you book services page.