Use this free web-based book title generator to get more than 500 ideas in seconds for the first two words of your book title.

Book Title Generator Tool for Non-Fiction Books
How to Use this Free Web-Based Book Title Generator
Using this free tool is easy.
- Click the drop down arrow on the right side of the tool above.
- Select a noun from the list that best describes your book topic.
- Click the “Generate Hooks Now” button.
- Wait a few seconds while the generator produces your book title hooks and a new window opens.
- Scroll through to review the choices and copy and paste them all to your clipboard or export to a .txt file.
From there, you can either close the window and rerun the book title generator tool again or pull the .txt file into a spreadsheet where you can manually remove bad ideas and keep the good ones.
What this Book Title Generator Provides
Two components exist for most non-fiction book titles. There is the hook and the promise. The hook is typically two to five words, which are designed to “hook” the attention of potential readers. The second part of the title provides a “promise” to readers so that they can have a better idea of what they will learn or receive by reading the non-fiction book. This tool will help generate more than 500 two-word hooks for your book title in seconds!
We will be developing a similar tool shortly to help you develop your book’s promise. But, for now you might try this one.
Why is the Hook Such an Important Part of the Book Title?
The hook is the first thing people read on your non-fiction book cover. The hook is typically the largest font type of all the words in the book’s title. It’s the part of the book that people see when they walk past the windows in a book store. A properly developed book title with a solid hook can mean the difference whether that person takes a closer look at the book or not.
Do Book Cover Hooks Have to be Only Two Words?
Only 14% of today’s best selling non-fiction books have two-word hooks as their main headline, but they are a great place to start in your development of the final book title. There would probably be more two-word titles, but so many have been used over the years. So, finding one that is not used often (or at all) and still satisfies the other book title ranking factors, can be a challenge. Although it’s not illegal to use a book title that was on a previous work, you would be inviting potential conflict by knowingly using a book title that’s close to a popular work.
Consider these statistics from Amazon’s top 50 non-fiction book titles at the time of this writing:
- Non-fiction books with one word in main title: 10 (20%)
- Non-fiction books with two words in main title: 7 (14%)
- Non-fiction books with three words in main title: 19 (20%)
- Non-fiction books with four words in main title: 9 (18%)
- Non-fiction books with five words in main title: 8 (16%)
- Non-fiction books with more than five words in main title: 5 (10%)
- Non-fiction books with a sub-title “promise”: 36 (72%)
Hooks are usually developed with three or four words, sometimes with five to seven words, and occasionally even up to a dozen. In cases where long hooks are used, there is typically no promise as a second component, but one that is more built-in, or combined, with the hook.
Non-Fiction Book Titles Usually End with Nouns
The other reason the two-word hook works as a starting point for your book title is because so many titles end with nouns. Consider these current non-fiction best sellers on Amazon:
- The Body
- The Spy and the Traitor
- The Pale-Faced Lie
- High Achiever
- The Accidental President
- Into the Abyss
- The Last Castle
Notice how each title ends with a noun. When you use the two-word title generator, add other potential two, three or four words but leave your main topic as the noun to end the title.
Go Ahead and Try the Book Title Generator
We require no opt-in for your use of the book title generator. Go ahead and give it a try! Even if you don’t have a book started yet, you can add the topic you’re thinking about and see what comes up for your two-word hook. You might become inspired to get writing!